Even though those soldiers were mocking Christ, their actions are a powerful testimony. They made Christ a… grass crown. To make a crown they used the flora from the spot where we were besieged by sin, the spot of the curse. They used thorns, and more. In this, what they intended to be mockery was actually unwitting high praise and an inadvertent expression of utmost faith. The soldiers were puppets of destiny, and did this in proxy for all humanity. Christ had already won the battle against evil in the Garden of Gethsemane – “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” It was at this point that Christ declared that there was no turning back from his work.

Thereafter, humanity bestowed upon him the honor that was due. We crowned the savior with thorns. We mocked him. We beat him. We whipped him. We pierced him. We hung him on a tree. Blood and water flowed. We killed him. Indeed, we crowned him not with thorns alone but with all the sorrowful flora of the curse! Only humanity steeped in sin would treat their king this way. Only a true loving king would accept such an honor.